Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So I am officially done being prego. I am hot all the days, I cant breathe, I am swollen, and I feel like a hippo beyond belief. Oh the joys! I need to remember how incredibly blessed I am to be pregnant, but lately it has been hard.

At my last appointment, my blood pressure had jumped all the sudden and my swelling was out of the ordinary bad. My doctor was concerned that I was getting toxemia and told me that I was on a NO salt diet (at all!) and that i had to come back next week- if things were not better I was going on bed rest. Do you know how hard it is to not eat salt? So I began my task very well, but honestly when I am told that I cannot eat something that is all I think about. It consumes my brain. So needless to say I had a few slip up's but overall did pretty well. My doctor told me if I got a headache that I needed to go to call asap, as that could lead to a seizure or something. So of course I got a headache on Friday night. I called the on-call doctor and he told me that I needed to come in and be examined- and what do you know I was fine! Got to love those date nights in the hospital when they just send ya home, oh well it is better then the alternative.

So I go to my appointment today to get checked on about my blood pressure. It went down! YAY! I was so excited, one less thing to worry about! My doctor was very pleased and felt accomplished. So the next item on business was an ultrasound. I have been measuring small at my last two appointments, but the doctor just said it was probably no big deal but to be safe we would do an ultrasound. So I am laying there and she is doing her ton of measurements- I started to feel a little sick but I just wanted it to get done so I was like whatever. Well then I started to get worse and felt like I was going to pass out and throw up all at once so she stopped immediately- she said she got everything anyways. So we start going over the measurements and while Avery is small, she said she isn't too bad. She started looking for the amniotic fluid scans but realized that she didn't hit the button because she was too concerned with me. So we started again and immediately she noticed it was low. Normal fluid level should be at a 14 or 15, I am at a 8.5; at 5 they immediately induce. SO, I am now scheduled for a stress test for tomorrow and one a week for the rest of pregnancy, if not more. I go back on Monday and if my levels are not better I will be on strict bed rest, and they will have to access if it is better for the baby just to come out or stay inside me. Oh the joys!
Hopefully everything will go ok...We shall see!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We are Back!

So I recently deleted our blog as I was horrible at posting and was just like eh about it. Well, I did not realize that MR. Bryan would not be happy about this so I was already considering putting it back on. Then two dear friends mentioned they wanted it back-so for the two people who read this (Michelle and Melany) this is for you guys! I will try and be better about posts now.

I had my 32 week today. They said I was measuring small (about 30 weeks) but at my last appt I was measuring big. She said not to worry just yet as it seemed like the baby was laying in a weird way, but that at my next appt she was going to do an ultrasound.

We leave for our very last trip with no baby tomorrow. We are going to Santa Barbara for the week. I just hope for a nice relaxing week..but we will see how that goes!

When we get back and work on it a bit more I will post nursery pictures!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

3rd Trimester

Where did time go??? I am sorry I have sucked at blogging- I shall try and be better! I cannot believe that I am in my 3rd trimester now. This weekend I experienced cramping/braxton hicks contractions for the first time. I don't know who said they do not hurt, because they do. Today I am doing much better though!

This morning I woke up to my normal routine (reading my fav app FML, checking my emails on my phone and reading my what to expect when you are expecting app) as soon as I saw the big YOU ARE IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER! I freaked out. I all of the sudden feel so unprepared, and the next few weeks of my life are crazy crazy! I have plans every weekend till the beginning of August. Out of town almost every weekend as well except for two in July- but I am still have to to stuff those weekends! Ah, too much but at least it will make time go by faster! I am very ready for Avery to be out in the world with Bryan and I.

There are things that happen during pregnancy that no one talks about. I mean I understand why but I will just say WEIRD things happen to your body. I am not going to be the creeper who talks about it on this blog-but if you have been pregnant you know of the wonderful things. But for my wonderful non pregnant friends just ask me and I will tell ya all about the fun stuff you get to look forward to!

In the months that I have not written anything here is a breakdown of what has been going on:
-Nesting as kinda begun. I have realized that I let my house get kind of messy sometimes and it has begun to bother me. I notice myself always picking up stuff-which is a BIG step because I got to a point where laundry would sit clean in the dryer for way to long. So i am taking a big effort to keep my house cleaner. Now I haven't begun the deep cleaning yet and to be honest not sure if that will begin. I hate deep cleaning- maybe that will come but who knows.
-I noticed my first stretch mark :( At this time they are minimal and at least in a place that only one other person sees but still very depressing. I had a rather large breakdown about it as that was one thing that I really did not want to experience but i realize that they will come and I just have to deal...all I can hope if that they fade one day. In the meantime, I have been slathering myself in more lotion then ever before but I know that it probably is doing nothing.
-I am HUNGRY! Still have not had cravings really for anything but I am hungry all the days. My family knows since they have had to travel with me the past two weekends that when Marcy needs food she needs food. But just another great thing about pregnancy!
- I have that weird pregnancy line. I think it is so ugly but it is there and wont go away.
- My once real deep belly button that my mom would make fun of saying I could plant a carrot in it is slowly coming to the surface. I am not a fan of how in every shirt you can see the outline of the button- it just looks strange and weird. I am wondering how long till the thing finally pops...

That is pretty much it... I will post a picture this week of what the bump looks like- I officially look pregnant. No longer does it go down at night and get bigger after I eat-nope I have a belly. People still tell me it is small but let's be real for someone who has never experienced a belly it is a big transition. But the good news is it can pop if it wants now..I got in my dress for bff's wedding (with some alterations) so now I do not have to stress so much about the belly. It is gonna grow no matter what I do so know it is just nice to not have to worry about getting into a dress that I bought not pregnant-bring on the comfy maternity clothes.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Avery Grace

It's a Girl!!

It's a girl!! Avery Grace Oliver will be here in September!! We had a interesting time trying to find out the sex of this lil one.

We had our genetic appointment on Wednesday of this week at Valley Childrens-interesting to say the least. We went in first for our ultrasound, and the tech did not have the best bedside manner. In the end the good news was everything looks great on the baby. She did an extensive ultrasound and looked at all the organs, brain etc and everything was great. Well the ultrasound was also scheduled to tell us the sex, because that was to determine if we needed to go to our genetic counseling appointment...well the tech in the easiest way to say it refused to check the sex EVEN though it said in the notes to check! I left the room crying because she was so incredibly rude and Bryan left the room extremely mad.

We then went to the genetic counseling appointment because I did not want to be rude. Bless the womens heart- she was thrown into the wolves with us but was very sweet. She felt very bad because she was not able to find any of my brother's records so she really said we were kinda going blind (the head genetic doctor who worked with my brother left the hospital a few years back and took all her records with her). Bless her heart she tried, but without knowing the sex and not knowing any tests that were ran on my brother she could do nothing.

So after leaving our appointment extremely frustrated Bryan called around. We found out from my doctor that my insurance would probably not cover the ultrasound since I just had one. NOW we were really frustrated, if the lady had just done her job then we would not be in this predicament! I did not get to actually get to talk to my doctor but I am seeing her in about another week for my 20 week appointment so I will talk to her then to see what she wants to do....

SO we called this place called Invision which is a 3D/4D ultrasound place. We called them and explained what happened and they said that they do gender checks for not very expensive. They were so incredibly nice on the phone! They told us they would try for at least 45 minutes and if they still could not find out the gender then they would bring us back-they also gave us some suggestions to get the baby moving. We went today and again they were so nice! They are a husband and wife who own the place and are just great people. We went in, since I was just doing a gender check it was only a 2D (that's why it was cheaper) and at first baby did not want to cooperate. So they laid me completely flat and kinda pushed the baby a bit and there she was! They gave us a ton of pictures and then did some 4D pictures because they said they had time. It was so nice! The room was great and they had the ultrasound projected unto the wall so it was huge!! They reassured me multiple times that it was a girl so I feel much better! I would definitely recommend Invision to people as it was a wonderful experience!!

We are so excited to have a little girl on the way!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

17 Weeks

Happy Easter!! So I am feeling much better... not nearly as sick (unless of course I go flying with my boss :)) The tummy is slowly but surely trying to pooch out. Sometimes I have a pretty good belly, others not so much. I am glad that the past few weeks are done as they have been nothing but hell for Bryan and I just getting so much done, unfortunately I do not see us slowly down much very soon. I am just glad that I have a bit more energy!

I am considering going an purchasing maternity pants soon, to most people I do not look any different, but my body has definitely changed! I have one pair of pants that still fits just fine buttoned, but my others I need them undone for comfort. I have been using these belly bands so I did not have to buy pants, but they are starting to annoy me. They roll up all the time, and generally are just kinda of uncomfortable. We will see, I really do not want to buy pants until I need them, but everyone tells me how much for comfortable they are so I dunno....

Hopefully soon we will find out the sex! They tried at my last appointment but the lil booger would not cooperate at all. Every which way the baby could move it would, except of course in the position that they needed. My doctor is referring me out to Valley Children's for a more in depth ultrasound because of my family history, so they said that they should be able to tell what I am having there. So hopefully soon we will know!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

15 Weeks

The slight bump has begun! I know it is not much, but for those that knew my body it definitely has a pooch. My tummy has always been flat and toned..not so much anymore. I most certainly do not look pregnant, I just look like I have some extra fluff (which I am not overly fond of).

Hunger has kicked in to high gear! The good news is I am not so tired anymore, and I am pretty much over the throwing up (still do sometimes, but I am used to it by now) SO that means my exercise regimen shall now kick in!! I am the maid of honor in my best friends wedding in June and I gotta be able to fit in that dress still somehow, someway! SO the plan is treadmill every morning and Wii Fit maybe like three times a week. I know that I will have my other wonderfully fit best friend to encourage me so I hope to stay on track!

My next appointment is in another week so we will see what they have to say!